Top 10 Oil Producing Countries In The World


Top 10 Oil Producing Countries In The World


10. Kuwait – 2.75 million barrels per day

9. Brazil – 2.8 million barrels per day

8. Mexico – 2.95 million barrels per day

7. United Arab Emirates – 3.23 million barrels per day

6. Canada – 3.92 million barrels per day

5. Iran – 4.13 million barrels per day

4. China – 4.19 million barrels per day

3. Russia – 10.3 million barrels per day

2. United States – 10.59 million barrels per day
Americans everywhere, the US sits at second place with production equal to 12% of the total. Because of its high-tech economy and stable investment climate, the US is at the forefront of non-conventional energy extraction including shale oil and tar sands. These types of oil drilling have reshaped the landscape: the Bakken oil development in North Dakota now shines as brightly at night as regional neighbors like Minneapolis-St. Paul and Chicago. In the future, the US appears set to reclaim its mantle as top oil producer from Saudi Arabia as it moves to tap into an estimated 1,442 billion barrels of recoverable oil. In the meantime, the US is forced to import oil from Mexico, Canada, and other sources as its consumption still exceeds production.

1. Saudi Arabia – 11.75 million barrels per day
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia produces a whopping 13.24 percent of all the oil produced daily in the entire world. Considering that they sit on over 260 billion barrels of oil–the second highest total after Venezuela–the fortune of the House of Saud appears secure. Its crown as oil champion, however, is less secure: when accounting for energy production including natural gas and biofuels, Saudi Arabia is already behind the United States.

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